Join a Committee
Bringing insight from psychedelic experiences into our daily actions and relationships
Tending education and community practices that support individual and community integration
Offering a monthly community Integration Circle
Offering education on responsible foraging and cultivation
Respecting, learning from and being advocates for indigenous traditions and communities for whom these medicines are integral
Exploring models of value exchange that honor the sacred
Inquiring into ways entheogens can support the process of dying and grieving
Education on how to guide those who wish to use psychedelics to explore death, daying and grief
Partnering with local death and dying organizations
Building relationships with local and national veteran groups and organizations
Engaging with veterans in the area to provide education around the benefits of entheogens for PTSD
Offering workshops on mindfulness and psychedelics for veterans
Exploring how entheogens can support individuals on their recovery paths, particularly when combined with community support
Providing support around pairing entheognes with other healing modalities, such as 12 Step programs
Growing our community’s capacity to support and hold space for one another during psychedelic experiences
Setting up and staffing a peer support tent at various local events to support anyone who finds themselves having a challenging experience